
Last Updated 02/12/2025

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Some of the items include..Dale C. Anderson Aviation Auction Catalog w/Prices Realized, Negro Google Eye Mechanical Pin, WWII Wood Toys, RWB Chenille Bed Jacket, Eagle Frames with FDR and MacArthur, Vietnam Items, Tank, USMC Watch Fob, Fancy Hankies,  MacArthur Cigar Box, Felt Pennants, WWII Home Front Collectibles, Calendars, Carnival Ware Chalk Plaque and Statues, Paperweights, Spotter Cards,  Home Front Punch Boards, "V" Fluorescent Light, "V" Whistle, WWI desk relic, etc...check out this entire section...new items added as time permits.

German material now has its own section - go to the Directory and click on German Memorabilia.

Be sure to check out some of the other MAIN sections on the website for material related to this time period.




1WW  -  VERY NICE SMALL WOOD HAND WITH THUMB BETWEEN FINGERS  I believe from the Vietnam era, at least that is what Dale thought when he purchased it.  Almost 3 3/4" tall.  Very nice grained darker wood, with many small stones affixed to the cuff area, a few missing.  If you look up this gesture online, it seems to be not so nice a gesture, called "The Fig".  Beyond that, I have no other information on it.  Just came out of the collection of Vietnam items Dale purchased over the years.   $35  Sale Price $20

2WW  -  VIETNAM ERA PEACE SYMBOL BRACELET AND MAYBE A ROACH HOLDER?  Just found in a box.  The bracelet is 7 1/2" long end to end.  Nice piece from the period.  At first I thought he other item iwas some type of tweezers but then I realized what it likely is.  It seems to function as a tweezers where you loosen the little ball to open and then push it down to tighten, but this would hold the "cigarette".  It has a peace symbol at the top.  $35  Sale Price $25

3WW  -  WWII "V FOR VICTORY Game"  This box is 10" tall by 7" wide, and is quite worn.  It is a product of Toy Creation Inc. New York, N.Y.  It has four die cut "V" squares and one which shows where the pieces go.  There are no instructions.  There is a timer, so it suggests a fun time trying to get the V filled sooner than anyone else.  See photos for overall condition.  Nice graphics.  $45  Sale Price $35

4WW  -  WWII CHILD'S O.D. GREEN WOOD 75mm GUN - CANNON  Approximately 13 1/2" long x 5 3/4" wide at the wheels x 6" tall.  Really neat toy that articulates.  All wood, painted O.D. green, with a white painted 75MM and star on top.  The wheels rotate.  $100  Sale Price $75

5WW  -  AUCTION CATALOG OF DALE'S PERSONAL AVIATION COLLECTION  This is a 93 page + cover catalog that we produced for our October 1990 mail order auction of Dale's personal collection.  It consisted of a large variety of aviation material, including 50+ painted leather jackets.  Lots of black & white photos, and color photos of the leather jackets.  Also some great and interesting information. Also included is the Prices Realized sheet.  This is an invaluable reference catalog.   $25 each

6WW  -  WWII HOME FRONT RED-WHITE-BLUE CHENILLE LADIES BED JACKET  This is a great WWII 1940's era Home Front ladies item, not homemade, like a bed jacket.  The tag inside is "High Grade / CANDLEWICKS AND CHENILES".  The other side of the tag lists Lot and Style numbers, and Size 16.  Looks a lot smaller than a size 16. I'm not going to list all measurements, because I am selling this for display only. About 23" from  neck to bottom on the back side.  About 16" across the mid section at the button level (32" circumference). Overall in great shape, with some brown spots up around the neck area, perhaps from storage, hanger, etc.  Mostly white chenille with red and blue stripes.  Two pockets on the front lower area.  Very neat display item.  My deceased militaria dealer husband purchased this item in 1998.  $65  Sale Price $40

7WW  -  FABULOUS WWII CHALK  EAGLE STATUE  11 1/2" tall x about 6 1/2" wide at the base x about 4" front to back at the base.  Overall very excellent condition.  Red, white and blue colors, with remnants of glitter.  Across the front is "GOD BLESS AMERICA".  Some very minor paint loss, but I see  no major chips, and no repairs that I can see.   $110  Sale Price $60

8WW  -  WWI FOB OR PART OF MEDAL (I BELIEVE) WITH 1914/1915 DATES AND BLUE AND WHITE RIBBON  The brass part below the bow appears to be a soldier's hat and is 5/8" wide x about 1/4" tall with the dates "1914 / 1915" and on the back is the number "9".  Really not sure if this was part of a medal or part of a fob.  Totally unknown to me and not sure what country this is from - Germany?.  $18  Sale Price $10

9WW  -  WOOD PLAQUE U.S.A. SEAL OF OUR COUNTRY  Another item off our walls.  A really beautiful and quality seal affixed to a shield shaped piece of painted wood.  The rendition is quite precise and very well made.  Not sure of the material, but a magnet does not stick to it.  Also unsure of its age, but it does have some.  I just put it in this section as a more vintage item, not an older antique.  14" tall x 12" wide.  Hangs from a wire on back. There is a vertical crack in the shield, but is solid and looks like it was repaired some time in the past.  (the photo of the back side is black; does not have a green tinge).  $35  Sale Price $20

10WW  -  LARGE SELECTION OF VIETNAM ANTI-WAR AND PRO-WAR PIN BACK BUTTONS  Sizes range from 3 3/8" in diameter, down to 3/4"., and a couple patches.  Please refer to the letter and price, with a brief description of any button(s) you would like. If you need a photo of the back side, please email me.  Prices as marked 

11WW  -  NICE PATRIOTIC BOW TIE  Not sure what age, but I am going to assume it is Vietnam era, because it was stored with other VN era items when Dale put them away many years ago.  Just pulled out of a box.  About 5 1/2" wide x 3 1/3" high at the sides.  Red satin fabric on the back and a less shiny red, white and blue fabric on the front.  The stars are in a circle.  The clips work fine and are marked "ORMOND RUST RESIST".  $25  Sale Price $15

12WW  -  VIETNAM ERA WRISTWATCH  C.1972.  Uncle Sam on the face holding his shirt open with the word "VOTE" on his chest.  Red, white and blue grosgrain cloth band.  Marked on back "STAINLESS STEEL BACK" and "BASE METAL BEZEL".  Do not believe it works.  Selling only as a collectible for display.  Really nice condition and graphics.  $50  Sale Price $35

13WW  -  1972 WRISTWATCH   Has Liberty in the middle holding her fingers in the peace sign, the other hand holding a sign that says July 4 and the word "VOTE" below.  At the bottom are the words "SWISS MADE" and "c (copyright) 1972 NanRic INC".  The band is 1 3/8" wide plastic red, white and blue.  Do not believe it works.  Selling only as a collectible for display.  Really nice graphics.  $50  Sale Price $35

14WW  -  WWII ERA CIGAR FLAG...A FUN NOVELTY ITEM   The cigar case is 5 1/4" long.  It has paper that is made to look like cigar leaves, just like a real cigar.  It has a paper label on front "CIGAR FAN / Made in ???".  I cannot make out where it was made, but many came from Japan, if this is a WWII era item.  It could be earlier.  Does not look like the word "Japan".  You pull the end out and with it comes a folded flag which is 4 1/4" long, out of an interior pink tube.  It folds open and if fully open, which I did not do, it would create an entire circle of fans.  I don't this saw much use.  Handle with care.  If you are going to open it to use as a display, it should be done with care.  Wonderful, patriotic item.  $45  Sale Price $35

15WW  -  WWII HOMEFRONT GAME "EAGLE BOMBSIGHT"  Made by TOY CREATIONS, INC. as shown on the top of the outer sleeve.  Box is 9 x 4 1/2".  The game pulls out of the sleeve.  It has an eagle on a bomb between "EAGLE BOMBSIGHT".  There are four bombs and for bomb releases.  It has holes where you look through to a mirror where you can watch the bombs drop when you release.  Not sure how the game is played, but graphics are great.  $75  Sale Price $45

16WW  -  WWI UNITED STATES FELT PENNANT   I'm pretty sure this dates from WWI.  Measures 21 1/2 x 39".  This was obviously hanging on a wall for some time, because the front is a bit faded and muted.  The back side has more color and vibrancy.  Overall excellent condition, with scattered moth holes.  The flag has 43 stars, but I'm not sure if it was done for accuracy, other than putting a billowing flag in the corner.  The words "UNITED STATES" is in the middle and an eagle standing on a rock is in the lower right corner.  Very nice patriotic wall hanging.  $100  Sale Price $50

17WW  -  FABULOUS WWII HOMEFRONT DART BOARD TOY  Titled "The GAME of Thrills" "BOMBS AWAY!"  18 x 18" square x 1/2"+" tall.  This is a cork dart board, inside its original cardstock sleeve/cover.  "PRODUCT OF toy creations, inc." and "MADE IN U.S.A" on the front.  The cork board is in pretty nice condition, with great graphics and has definitely been played.  The cardstock cover is in rough condition, browning and has many tears.  Just a really neat item I found in storage.  $100  Sale Price $65

18WW  -  WWII SOLDIER PORTRAIT CLASS PAPERWEIGHT   3 5/8" in diameter.  Encloses an actual enlistedman's photo portrait, in color or tinted.  Excellent condition.  One thumb size portion of the photo on the left (to his right) is  slightly dented, and must have happened when made.  Can't see how it would have been done otherwise, since it's sealed and does not appear to have been opened.  Does not affect the man's face.  Nice looking guy.  Special Home front item.   $45  Sale Price $25

19WW  -  WWII PATRIOTIC PLYWOOD PHOTO ALBUM   May have been a kit.  The graphics are factory good, yet the wood itself seems a bit less than professional, yet very good...and substantial.  9 1/4 x 11 1/2".  Forest scene on the front.  The rear cover has a very large, complex patriotic display.  Centers with red, white and blue shield with "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN".  Filled with every type of national symbols - planes, steel mills, cities, Statue of Liberty, tank, soldier, sailor and more.  Cover has leather lace hinges, one broken.  So very typical of the culture of the era.  All photos were removed, but the notations indicate this family was from Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Doylestown.  $25  Sale Price $15

20WW - VERY NICE CROSSED RIFLES WITH EAGLE BUTTON HANGING AND RWB RIBBON  -  2 1/2" wide x 1 1/2" tall.  Not sure if this is WWI or WWII period or earlier.  A very nice original pin.  $45  Sale Price $30

21WW  -  "V" FOR VICTORY SHAPED METAL FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE   For hanging on a wall behind a store counter or bar.  Almost 20" tall.  Red and blue vertical arms and white background.  Bulbs (not present) faced the arms.  Cord to plug in.  The little push button is loose, and we don't know if it works.  Never tested for function, but I suspect it needs a little TLC to get it to work.  Has 4" diameter Victory/Star/..../Wreath decal on cross arm.  Fantastic item for a WWII Home Front display.   $125  Sale Price $95

22WW  -  WWII "VICTORY" SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS  -   2 1/2" tall pair of salt and pepper shakers with a large "V" on one side and the dot-dot-dot-dash symbol on the other.  Almost all paint is there and they are a cute set for the Homefront.  Had cork stoppers, one missing.  $50  Sale Price $30

23WW  -  WWII RUPTURED DUCK TIE SLIDE  About 2 3/8" wide.  A crisp insignia on a fancy tie slide.  Came from an original store card that stated "WARRENTED 14 KT. GOLD PLATE".  No markings.  Unused store inventory.  For honorably discharged serviceman.  $25  Sale Price $15

24WW  -  TWO WWII PATRIOTIC PORTRAITS IN EAGLE FRAMES   Framed in dark walnut with pressed composition gold eagles on top.  Photo reproductions are of FDR and MacArthur.  Mats around the pictures have all types of patriotic designs.  The four stars on MacArthur's frame each have some broken off.  The frames and photo mats are identical.  Very good overall condition, showing age and some darkening.  FDR's is lighter overall.  9 1/2 x 11 3/4" frames.  The backs have stand up supports or accommodations for a nail.  These were never expensive when new.  Probably sold at a dime store.  Nice patriotic items.  (There are some variations in the colors/tones due to lighting, and lots of reflections because of the glass in the frame).  This sale price should be for only one!  But it is for The Pair...$50  Sale Price $35

25WW - WWII MAC ARTHUR PATRIOTIC CIGAR BOX   Full size box with surprising design.  Every edge has royal blue paper covering with pattern of tiny white stars.  Box itself is covered with medium brown...simulated wood paper.  Title on the top if "AS GOOD AS HIS NAME".  Front face has "WAKE ISLAND".  Lift the lid and see inside cover reads, in red, "MAC ARTHUR CIGAR / AS GOOD AS THE NAME...EVERY PUFF A JAP REBUFF".  At each corner is a small "V" + code for Victory.  Some light damp stains inside.  Overall very good-excellent.  Exterior just has some rubbed spots.  Dale kept this for at least 30 years.  $30  Sale Price $15

26WW  -  WWII USMC WATCH FOB  This is a beautiful piece for a US Marine.  7" long, tip to tip.  The black ribbon is in excellent condition, and the other parts are as well, although they show normal, careful wear to the finish.  Consists of a fob in the middle, 1 1/2" wide, with the Marine Corps EGA in the middle (eagle, globe, anchor).  Around that are three enamel portions in red, white and blue, each having a word that makes up "UNITED STATES MARINE".  The snap swivel at the top seems to function well.  All in all, a very nice original vintage WWII piece.  $75  Sale Price $50

27WW  -  BEAUTIFUL GOLD COLOR CROSSED RIFLES PIN  I don't think this pin is old, but I can't be sure.  It's so shiny!  2" wide.  Nice detail. Priced as a modern piece.  $10  Sale Price $5

28WW  -  WWII PERIOD GOLD COLOR EAGLE AND RED-WHITE-BLUE SHIELD FLAG HOLDER  Unsure how this attaches to the base as shown, but it was together in storage.  Someone made a display out of it for a desk or mantle.  The rear of the shield has 5 slots for flags to stick up from.  This is a very nice heavy decorator item, and it should be easy enough for anyone to get the proper size bolt for the bottom.  8" tall from the bottom of the decorative "nut" to the top of the eagle's head.  The shield is 3 3/4" wide at the top.  Beyond this, I have no other information.  Just something Dale purchased for our collection, and it has been in storage for years.  Missing almost no paint.  $95  Sale Price $75

29WW  -  GOD BLESS AMERICA TIN BANK  3 1/8" in diameter x 2 3/8" tall.  Has a shield in the middle with the word "BANK".  Really nice condition, missing a small amount of paint on the top but most all other paint intact.  Has the stopper at the bottom.  $45  Sale Price $25

30WW  -  OUTSTANDING WWII PATRIOTIC PUNCH BOARD "DIVE BOMBER"    The top third is filled with a full color Army aircraft below the multi-color title and flanked by U.S. flag punch-outs.  Rest of card allows choice of star roundel punch-outs or pull tabs from a massive vertical stack down center.  These punch boards were a popular and inexpensive gambling device found in most gas stations, etc.  Superb patriotic graphics.  10'' wide, 18" high.  Practically unused.  Lacks fold-out cardstock support on back which held it up on a counter.  Top ranked Home front piece.  $175  Sale Price $95

31WW  -  WWII US V FOR VICTORY WITH FLAG PATCH  This is a WWII dark blue V shaped patch, with a large red "V" standing "For Victory" and an American flying flag over it.  About 3" tall x 2 3/4" wide. Wool type material with the embroidery over it.  The backing is a dark blue heavy linen.  Overall excellent condition.  While the backing edges are frayed, I don't think it has been sewn on to anything. Very nice piece.  $35  Sale Price $20

   32WW  -  WWII "SQUADRON SCRAMBLE" DECK OF CARDS  Great box.  Has P-47 diving.  Rather than suits, the cards have pictures of numerous aircraft from several countries.  The game is played very much like rummy.  The primary objectiveof the game is for the players to become familiar with aircraft profiles.  Missing one card.  Deck is fine.  Box just shows a good deal of handling. Each side of the box is the same with the name at top and "Authorized AIR YOUTH GAME Approved by NATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION".  $95  Sale Price $75

33WW  -  WWII "VICTORY" PLAYING CARDS  This is a really neat, patriotic deck.  The top of each card is green with an American shield.  The Kings are Uncle Sam, Queens are Lady Liberty, Jacks are a soldier and sailor saluting and one Joker is Hitler and Mussolini.  The rest of the cards are the regular suits.  Full deck with extra Joker.  Cards are excellent.  The box is missing a couple sides and in rough shape, but the graphics are neat.  $150  Sale Price $95

34WW  -  C.1970 SOUVENIR SCARF FROM RIO DE JANERIO WITH JET FIGHTER PLANE   29 x 29" square, including fringe.  Light pink, silk-like material.  It is shown folded into a square of approx. 14¾", and was sold that way.  I believe it is hand colored.  It shows a USAF jet fighter plane flying over the seaport of Rio De Janeiro.  Excellent overall condition; no tears that I see.  Just needs ironing. A couple very small, very light water stains, at the edges; really insignificant.  This was found stored with other military related items such as pennants, pillow covers, souvenir scarves, of varying periods.  $5  Sale Price $3

35WW  -  WWII "FANCY HANKY" ARMY OR AIR CORPS MOTIF   These are old original store inventory, unused.  Some have the original cellophane wrap, others no wrap.  All are priced accordingly.  Some have duplicates, and the cellophane is fragile on most.

Each Below $5...with wrap  Sale Price $4 each

A. Have 3    B. Have 2

Each Below $3...No Wrap  Sale Price $2 each

C. Have 2   D. Have 3    E. Have 1

36WW  -  WWII U.S. MAIL ENVELOPES (COVERS)  Click on each thumbnail for close up view

A.  1945 Cover   An original WWII envelope sent through the postal system.  Has a cancelled 3 cent stamp and was postmarked Cleveland, Ohio Jan 30, 1945.  This envelope is a bit larger than most at 4 x 7 1/2".  The reverse has a stamp and a lot of numbers and letters, perhaps a union member, not sure.  $3 Sale Price $2

B.  1945 Cover   An original WWII envelope sent through the postal system.  Has a cancelled 3 cent U.S. Navy stamp, and was postmarked Nashville, Tenn Dec. 4 1945.  Tiny tear to envelope at right of stamp.  $3  Sale Price $2

37WW  -  HUGE 1940's UNITED STATES MAP WITH LOTS OF INFORMATION  Believe this is WWII 1940's period.  There is no date, unfortunately, but going by the information listed, it just makes sense it is from the 40's.  If you look closely at some areas in each state, you can also determine what areas exist now that didn't exist then, and figure some of it out.  A whopping 41 x 54", folded in storage down to 10 1/4 x 13 1/2". Printed on heavier paper, it's in really great shape overall with some parted areas along the folds.  This map consists of a huge United States in the main portion, along with a smaller U.S. showing Air Mail routes, and another showing Minerals and Agriculture.  Other boxes show states and territories.  The main text box has a large "UNITED STATES / Produced under the direction of Alexander Gross, F.R.G.S. / PUBLISHED BY / GEOGRAPHIA MAP CO. 11 John St., NEW YORK".  Below that are references for Railroads, Canals, Scenes of Battle.  Tons of info on this map; it is quite large, and will need space to display it.  $30  Sale Price $15

38WW  -  WWII AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION FLASH CARDS    Used to teach aircraft identification to Ground Observer Corps members - people who during WWII kept a constant look at the skies.  The same cards were used in combat theaters as well to teach aircrews, ground observers, gunners, etc., how to identify enemy aircraft.  These cards are originals and are mostly 4 x 5'', white cardstock, printed in black, showing three views of each aircraft.  These came from the Albany Air Region Ground Observer Corps.  This is a nice sampling of the cards used.  Have set of 9 different... $15  Sale Price $8

39MCW  -  WWII JAPANESE MATCH BOX COVER  Found this of all places, in a box of Civil War cigars, at the bottom of a storage box.  Never even looked under the paper on top.  When I did, I discovered this item and the cigars.  This is a match box cover only, no insert or matches.  It is kept stuffed with some cardboard to keep it from getting damaged.  The front has a couple of bombers and some Japanease characters.  The sides have characters, as does the rear.  2 3/4 x 1 1/2" x 5/16".  It is a medium blue grey color, and overall in good shape.  I don't read Japanese so can't tell you what it says.  $35  Sale Price $22

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