Last Updated  03/24/2025

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For nearly 50 years, Dale collected Military & Patriotic jewelry, and he had a passion for rings.  The countries represented will be primarily the U.S., Japan and Germany (German rings are now in the German Material section).  The time period which is covered will run from the mid-1800's to WWII, with the preponderance being from WWII.  These rings are, and have always been extremely popular and difficult to obtain. All guaranteed original.  The examples listed herein will barely scratch the surface of what there is.  It will take years for the entire collection to be offered, so please check back from time to time. 



BLACK VELVET RING STANDS   We bought a small supply of these stands many years ago, in anticipation of publishing a book on all the rings we collected.  That did not happen, so I will sell the supply I have.  All brand new, never been used, most still in the plastic bag.

Single Ring - $2 each

Double Ring - $3 each

Approximate sizes are given only because some people ask.  I don't sell these as modern rings to wear, but as vintage collectibles.

1R  -  WWII INFANTRY U.S. ARMY SOLDIER RING  Really nice shape and vibrant cobalt blue color circling crossed rifles, over black oval in the middle.  The enamel is in what looks like perfect condition.  The sides have the standard spread eagle over shield design.  Stamped "GROUSE CO. STERLING".  Approximate size 10.  $95

2R  -  WWII 9 SNYNG STERLING SOLDIER RING  Very nice ring stamped "STERLING" underneath.  Nice age patina, showing average use.  The top has the New York seal with a V and 9 on top.  Approximate size 10.25.  $110

3R  -  WWII ORAN AFRICA 1944 SOLDIER SOUVENIR RING  In-theatre made souvenir ring, for the military trade.  This is simple, silver tone with "ORAN / AFRICA / 1944" dot stamped on top.  The sides have a stepped design.  Otherwise, no markings.  Has some heft to it, not a cheap flimsy ring.  Approximate size 9.5.  $35

4R  -  WWII 303rd ENGINEER BATALLION 900 SILVER SOLDIER RING  Now this is one heavy and  massive ring.  The top is stamped with "303 ENG BN" underneath the lightning bolts insignia.  The edge of the top is decorated with lines.  The sides are quite ornate with swirled decorations.  Underneath is stamped "900"  Approximate size 10+.  $145

5R  -  WWII SON-IN-SERVICE GOLD RING  Very nice condition (much better than my photos).  Stamped "l0K" underneath.  Red and white fired enamel with gold inset.  Shows use but only with a jeweler's loupe.  Approximate size 4.25.  $85

6R  -  WWII STERLING BOMB WINGS MADE INTO A RING  This was fashioned from an Army Air Forces aerial gunner wing badge.  Curved to make a ring.  Stamped "STERLING" underneath.  Approximate size 9+.  $150

7R  -  6th DIVISION AEF (AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES) GOLD RING   Red, blue and gold fired enamel...some chipping of the blue around the edges.  Stamped "1/20 (I believe) 14K GOLD SHELL".  Approximate size 9.5.  $50

8R  -  WWII US ARMY FIELD ARTILLERY SOLDIER RING  Sterling. Nice soldier ring with enamel top, yellow in the oval, red crossed cannons and the words "FIELD ARTILLERY / U.S. ARMY" in a blue enamel border.  The sides have the familiar spread eagle over shield design. Very nice overall. This ring is in beautiful crisp condition. I see no enamel loss.  Marked "GROUS CO / STERLING" underneath.  It should read GROUSE, but the E is not there.  Approximate size 9.75.  $95

9R  -  WWII COAST ARTILLERY U.S. ARMY SOLDIER RING  This is a very nice ring with the standard spread eagle over shield on each side.  The top is an oval with crossed cannon for the Coastal Artillery, and the words "COAST ARTILLERY / U.S. ARMY" in a blue circular border.  There is almost no enamel missing.  Stamped "GROUSE CO / STERLING" underneath.  $95

10R  -  BEAUTIFUL US ENAMEL FLAG PINKY RING  I believe this is WWII period, Homefront item for a lady.  Beautiful gold finish, looks like gold, but I see no markings whatsoever.  The flag on top is a beautiful fired enamel attached to the band.  It shows mild wear under magnification, but the enamel is in great shape. Nice quality ring.  Approximate size 6.25.  $45

11R  -  WWII 27th ARMORED DIVISION STERLING SOLDIER RING  Beautiful condition, maybe never worn.  The top is a triangle with fired enamel in colors of yellow, blue and red.  27 at the top over a tank.  Enamel is in almost perfect condition.  Crisp ring with an eagle over shield on the sides.  Stamped "U with arrow through" and "STERLNG" inside the ring.  Approximate size 11.  $95

12R  -  WWII 8th AIR FORCE GOLD RING  Overall very nice condition, with a chip out of the blue enamel  over the "8".  Otherwise really nice showing normal use for the period.  Stamped "l0K" underneath.  Approximate size 8.  $150

13R  -  BEAUTIFUL WWII 3RD INFANTRY SILVER SOLDIER RING  Very solid and heavy ring with a green stone in the middle.  Around that stone is "* U.S. FORCES * GERMANY".  One side has crossed cannon and "F.A." and the other side has the blue and silver unit crest over "3RD INF DIV".  Stamped "SILVER" underneath.  Shows typical age and wear and in really great condition.  Approximate size 10.5.  $125

14R  -  WWII 71st NGNY (NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARD) MILITARY RING  This is a 71st National Guard New York military ring, probably a pinky ring for the soldier. The top has a four cornered badge with fired enamel in red, white and blue.  The white in the four pieces around the outside is almost all gone.  The red and blue are mostly intact, with a tiny bit missing here and there, seen with magnification.  "71" in the middle blue circle.  Around the circle is a blue band with the words "PRO ARIS ET PROFOCIS / N.G.N.Y.".  (FOR GOD AND COUNTRY). The sides have the spread eagle design, very pleasing and universal on most soldier or military rings.  This ring has seen some wear on the top mostly, and overall dark from age.  Underneath is stamped "O B. STERLING".  Approximate size 5, so could be a pinky ring for a man or sweetheart ring for wife/girlfriend.  $50

15R  -  WWII UNKNOWN (to me) STERLING UNIT RING  I am told by an experienced collector that this is the same as the Army Air Corps shoulder patch worn from 1937 to early 1942.  The top is a circle in fired enamel, orange with blue propellor shaped symbol.  Each side has an eagle over shield.  This ring shows definite wear and use in the fired enamel but is overall in good condition.  Stamped "STERLING" with some touch marks above for the Robbins Co. of Attleboro Massachusetts.  Approximate size 9.  $65

16R  -  WONDERFUL WWII 5TH ARMY SOLDIER SOUVENIR RING  This would have been a ring made in-theatre, and is typical of the engraved designs.  But this top is custom with a large "A" and 5 under, with the mosque surrounding it.  This is a hand made ring, very pleasing and bronze in color.  Approximate size 12.25.  $75

18R  -  WWII US MARINE CORPS SOLDIER RING  There is a marking inside ring which may be Sterling, but I cannot make it out.  The ring looks silver.  This is an elaborate ring with the Eagle, Globe and Anchor on top over a stippled background and a chain around the perimeter.  Each side has a fancy eagle on anchor over the letters "USMC".  Those letters are worn down as would have happened with each side rubbing on the opposite finger.  You can still make most of it out.  Really beautiful condition.  Approximate size 10.25.  $95

19R  -  1938 ONE SHILLING TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA COIN MADE INTO A RING  I don't know much about this, but it has the words on the coin both inside and outside of the ring.  Hopefully the photos will show you what you need to see.  Approximate size 5.5, so a pinky ring or a ladies ring.  Very interesting.  $20

20R  -  WWII HOMEFRONT PATRIOTIC AMERICAN EAGLE PINKY RING  This is a nice Homefront item (I think WWII, but it could be earlier WWI), made inexpensively, but still a solid ring.  Has a dark brass color, but unsure of the metal.  Has the US Eagle logo on top, and a decoration on the side, which seems to be crossed cannons and possibly S and A. Approximate size 2.75, so definitely for a child.  $10

21R  -  WWII "PREPARE FOR COMBAT" STERLING UNIT RING  I was told by an experienced collector that the design is the same as the Southeast Air Corps Training Center.  Note attached to the ring that Dale had written years ago says "AAF TRAINING".  The top has a fired enamel blue middle with a hand and electric rays emitting from it.  Above is a red eagle and below is the banner with the words "PREPARE FOR COMBAT", those being worn on each side.  Around the top are the words "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and stars around that.  Each side has the standard eagle over shield.  Really excellent condition showing patina of having been worn and of its age.  Underside stamped "STERLING" with a stamp above.  Approximate size 10.25.  $75

23R  -  WWII US 1944 ORAN AFRICA SOLDIER RING   Souvenir ring a soldier would acquire in-theatre, made by locals citizens of the region.  This is a silver colored ring with a flat top, a heart in the middle with the words "ORAN AFRIKA" and the date "1944" split between the bottom of the heart. Finish has a small amount of pitting.  Unsure of the metal.  Fairly good quality, not a real lightweight ring.  Approximate size 9.5.  $35

24R  -  WWII CONSERVATION CORPS STERLING RING  Well worn ring with a tree and crossed axes on top, green and silver over black.  Each side has the eagle over shield, and are well worn down.  Has "M & S" stamped in underneath.  Approximate size 9.25.  $35

25R  -  WWII US SIGNAL CORPS SOLDIER'S GOLD TONE RING   It looks like it was custom made, not the usual ring you see with the eagles on the side.  This is simple and pleasing, and if not for the large size, it could have been for a wife or girlfriend.  Unsure of the metal, but it does not stick to a magnet.  Gold color finish to it, but no markings.  The top is a rectangle with the crossed SC flags, and the bottom portion is attached to the sides as if it were jointed, but it's not.  Approximate size 10.25.   $50

28R  -  WWII ERA PATRIOTIC FLAG RING  This is a WWII period American flag patriotic ring, made for home front wear.  The top is an oval slab of white material, possibly glass, I just can't be sure.  It has a sheen to it that is more glass than plastic.  It also has a few minor chips along the edge.  Has a beautifully painted American flag, in red, white and blue, with a gold flagstaff.  About 3/4" tall x 1/2" wide.  The ring body seems to be silver, darkened, but there are no marks that I can see.  Approximate size 5.  $35

30R  -  WWII 102nd DIVISION U.S. ARMY STERLING SOLDIER RING  Top oval has the 102nd Division crest with blue and white fired enamel with a blue circle around that has "102ND DIVISION U.S. ARMY".  The sides have the standard eagle over shield.  Stamped "CROUSE CO. STERLING" underneath.  There is some enamel missing in the crest itself but the circle border looks complete.  Otherwise, crisp eagles on the sides.  Approximate size 10.  $75

31R  -  WWII U.S.MARINE CORPS 10K GOLD RING  Sale Pending  Really nice and crips with a deep red stone, something I could not get right with my photos. Overall the ring has more of a light gold appearance, more on the silver tone side. One side shows Marines raising the flag and the other side shows the origins of the Marine Corps "TUN TAVERN 1775".  The top has "UNITED STATES MARINES" around the red stone with the eagle, anchor and globe insigina.  "10K" stamped underneath.  Approximate size 7.  $195

32R  -  WWI or WWII RING, POSSIBLY AIR CORPS  I am told by an experienced collector this is the Army Air corps roundel used from 1919 to early l942.  It has a blue circle in the middle with a silver star and red circle in the middle.  No other markings.  Approximate size 10.5.  Overall nice condition.  Lightweight.  $40

33R  -  AEF (American Expeditionary Forces) GOLD RING  One Chevron.  Red, white, gold and blue fired enamel, in good used condition.  Some of the blue missing at the top.  Stamped "12K GOLD SHELL" underneath, which also has some black marks.  Approximate size 8.  $50

34R  -  AEF (American Expeditionary Forces) GOLD RING  Two Chevrons.  About the same condition as above, missing some of the blue around the oval circle at top.  Stamped "12K GOLD SHELL" underneath and the condition is really nice.  Approximate size 10.  $50

35R  -  WWII UNKNOWN SOUVENIR RING  It almost looks like the top was deliberately oblierated, but I was told by an experienced collector it was possibly inscribed "Manila" and often seen with "1945".  I can barely make out enough to know what it once said, but the style and designs on the side look like other rings made as souvenirs for the military trade.  This is a heart shape on top, with very typical engraved designs on the sides.  No markings.  Approximate size 11.25.  $15

36R  -  WWII U.S. ARMY RING, ONCE HAD UNIT INSIGNIA, NOW GONE  I was told by an experienced collector this arrow design is the same as the 32nd Infantry Division shoulder patch.  This is a very nice vintage ring, which used to have a unit insignia crest on the top, but somehow just turned to mush...can't explain how.  Not even sure which side of the stone was facing up, but you can see one side is blue, with an arrow.  Maybe there is another layer that is now missing.  The opening on top is roughly 1/2" square.  I see no markings for sterling or such, but it sure looks like silver.  Approximate size 9.75.  The ring body is good quality, and ready for any other type of insert. Giveaway price... $5

38R  -  WWII EAGLE INSIGNIA SOLDIER GOLD RING  Nice overall.  The sides have the standard rampant eagle design.  Stamped "14/K 1/50 RGP" underneath.  Approximate size just under 10.  $50

39R  -  WWII GOLD COLOR BAND WITH "CHINA" ON TOP  Looks like it was a souvenir made in-theater ring.  Approximate size 9.  $45


40R  -  WWII CBI SILVER SOLDIER RING  Fired enamel in red and blue with silver in place of white.  Beautiful condition.  I don't see any chips but on the side with the word "INDIA" I believe there is blue enamel missing below.  Inside is stamped "SILVER".  There is a shadow of where a tag was stuck for years.  Approximate size 10.5.  $225

41R  -  A BEAUTIFUL WWII CBI SOLDIER RING  A very nice multi-color fired enamel ring.  The top has China, India and Burma outlines of the countries, the CBI red, white and blue patch and a yellow star upper left.  Has three black lines upper left and two black stripes at the bottom.  Enamel looks lintact.  No markings, but it seems like silver.  Approximate size 7.75.  $250

42R  -  WWII CBI SILVER SOLDIER RING  Another beautiful ring with the red and white enamel shield on top with silver taking the place of white.  Has the word "INDIA" on top, "BURMA 19" on one side and "CHINA 44" on the other.  Stamped "SILVR" (does not have an E).  Approximate size 10.  $250

43R  -  WWII CBI SOLDIER RING  Another really pretty ring, this one being a heart shield on top with red, white and blue fired enamel.  Some of the top layer of enamel has been shipped, but the colors are still there.  One side has "CHINA BURMA" and the other "INDIA 1943".  No markings, but has the appearance of silver.  Approximate size 12.75.  $195



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